Friday, August 20, 2010

QMetaEnum Magic - Serializing C++ Enums - Take 2

A few posts ago I described two methods of serializing C++ enums. Of these, method 2 serialized the Qt::Key enum. The approach, however, relied on some behind the scenes magic that I wasn't fully aware of nor did I fully document. This approach remedies that and describes in full the requirements for serializing C++ enums.

Method 2 - Reevaluated

The goal for this method is to take an enum called MyKey in the MyNS namespace and serialize it. In brief, the code for that looks like the following:

namespace MyNS
    enum MyKey {
        MyKey_Return = 0,
        MyKey_Enter = 1

Since we want Qt to be able to serialize the above enum, it needs to know about the enum, so we're going to need Q_ENUMS(MyKey). But unless moc sees a Q_OBJECT or Q_GADGET macro, our Q_ENUMS macro will result in a compilation error. To get around this, we need to convince moc to process the file as if it were a class. We can do that by adding some preprocessor defines:

#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
namespace MyNS
class MyNS
#if defined(Q_MOC_RUN)
    enum MyKey {
        MyKey_Return = 0,
        MyKey_Enter = 1

At this point we've convinced moc to look at and process the file, but that alone isn't enough. The code that moc generates assumes that a const staticMetaObject has been declared, but at this point one hasn't been declared. Although some compilers will let us get away with this, we'll declare it as follows:

    // ... continuing at the enum
    enum MyKey {
        MyKey_Return = 0,
        MyKey_Enter = 1
    extern const QMetaObject staticMetaObject;

With that in place, we're ready to serialize the enum. The first step is to get a copy of the QMetaEnum object. We do so by accessing the static reference directly and then calling indexOfEnumerator to get the appropriate index:

    // get the QMetaEnum object
    const QMetaObject &mo = MyNS::staticMetaObject;
    int enum_index = mo.indexOfEnumerator("MyKey");
    QMetaEnum metaEnum = mo.enumerator(enum_index);

With the QMetaEnum instance in hand, we can now serialize the enum as demonstrated in my prior post:

    // convert to a string
    MyNS::MyKey key = MyNS::MyKey_Return;
    QByteArray str = metaEnum.valueToKey(key);
    qDebug() << "Value as str:" << str;

    // convert from a string
    int value = metaEnum.keyToValue("MyKey_Enter");
    key = static_cast(value);
    qDebug() << "key is MyKey_Enter? : " << (key == MyNS::MyKey_Enter);

With all the above in place, we've used a bit of magic to trick moc into thinking MyNS was a class. This causes moc to generate a MyNS::staticMetaObject instance and store the necessary serialization meta data. With everything in place, we get the following output:

Value as str: "MyKey_Return" 
key is MyKey_Enter? :  true 



  1. That Q_MOC_RUN + Q_GADGET hack helped me a lot! Thanks for posting!

  2. It helped a lot..
    Thanks for the post :)

  3. Dear Kaleb,
    Thank you for this solution.

    However, exposing MyKey to QML using: qmlRegisterType("MyNS", 1, 0, "MyKey");
    fails to compile due to the following error:
    c:\qt\5.5\msvc2013_64\include\qtqml\qqml.h(244): error C2838: 'staticMetaObject' : illegal qualified name in member declaration

    Any ideas on how to solve this?

    ps. I declared the MyKey as 'enum class MyKey : quint16', but I guess this is irrelevant for above problem.

    Thank you kindy in advance for your answer.

  4. Now from Qt-5.5, there is some evoultion.
    We can use Q_NAMESPACE macro and Q_ENUM_NS inside the namespace:
    namespace NS {
    enum class MyEnum : int { enum1, enum2, enum3 };

    from there we can use QMetaEnum class.
    And after enum class MyEnum : int {...}, we have to declare Q_ENUM_NS(myEnum);
